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If you are seeking a casino dealer job you should go to the casino where you want to work dressed to impress and speak with a dealer either on a dead game or catch one on break to find out who does the hiring and/or the auditions. Introduce yourself to that person or persons and express your desire to work there. Give them a little background on yourself like what games you deal, how much experience you have and what your goals are. Ask where human resources is and go there to fill out your application.
Although online applications may seem like they are more convenient than having to get dressed and drive to a casino to fill out the same online application at Human Resources, there are definite benefits to going there.
The obvious benefit is that you get face time with another person. Now you are not just another computer form, but a real live person with a face to go with the name.
Online applications have been known to have their glitches. Too often, one goes through the trouble of filling out the online application to end up having the system fail and the application does not take for some reason. If there is a computer glitch in your application and you are at Human Resources an HR representative can help you with the problem. Now they really remember you because you are the one they helped.
Sometimes applying online is unavoidable. If you are applying for an out of town job or you need to apply at multiple locations quickly, then apply online.
Before applying for the job, whether in person or online, you should have a well organized resume/application ready for reference. Remembering 10 years of residence history and 10 years of work history can be a bit much for some. If applying in person bring a print out of your resume and refer to it as you complete your application. Hand scribbled notes are not good.
When applying online, especially at more than one website, use an electronic version of your resume. The best thing to do is write up your resume in an email and save it for future use. After you have proof read it you can simply copy and paste into the online form. This will prevent careless typos and make your application more professional. Be sure to use proper grammar. Correct spelling, punctuation and proper use of upper and lower case letters make you look like you care. And you should care!
Examples of web based email are Yahoo!, Hotmail or Gmail. ISP or Internet Service Provider email is email that comes with your Internet service from providers such as Cox Cable or Road Runner. You should not use ISP email to store your resume because if you move and you cancel your service you will lose your resume in that email account.
I just called the FEMA Individual Assistance hot line at 1-800-621-3362. You can apply online, but, I strongly advise against it. Speaking with a real person is the thing to do so there are no doubts about whether or not you gave the best answer.
My entire phone call lasted 37 minutes with hold time and application time.
You do not have to have insurance or suffered a property loss to receive assistance.
The person taking your information cannot tell you for what, if any, assistance you qualify.
Be prepared to give the following information:
Call with whatever information you do have!
In 3 -7 days you will be contacted by a FEMA representative who will literally meet with you in person to evaluate your case.
Be sure to keep your disaster number and registration number handy.
FEMA told me to contact your local Human Services office for food stamps. A list of Human Services offices by state can be found at the American Public Human Services Association's State Human Service Agency Info and Links page.
If anyone has any useful information to add to this please leave a comment.
Also, beware of some text message/email hoax about contacting the Red Cross for money at 603-413-4133. The number seems to be associated with a Madden message board. The 603 area code is in New Hampshire so I called it but all circuits were busy and I don't care enough about a fake number to call again.
The Red Cross's real number is 866-483-4636. I don't know what they are doing for Gustav evacuees though.
I left New Orleans at approximately 6:30pm Friday night and arrived in Dover, AR at approximately 5am.
This is the route I took:
If I had to do it again I would take I-55 all the way to I-40.
Now I need to get all the way to California to find a job since the casinos in and around New Orleans won't be open any time soon.
Anyone who would like to help me make to California to find work please make a donation to my PayPal account.
Any amount is much appreciated. Thank you.