Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Why $500 Inside is "No Bet"

Occasionally you may have a player walk up and toss you a purple and ask for $500 Inside. That is "no bet this roll."

If you have the time before the dice move you can ask how the player would like that set up, but, you should not assume anything.

Five hundred Inside is a shot waiting to happen. Although the non-shot-taker may take offense to being "no bet" on that roll it is good game protection and nothing less than proper procedure.

The honest player may claim, "there's only one way to set up that bet." Unfortunately, their honesty makes them naive. There are many ways to set up $500 Inside. The two best ways for a shot taker are pictured below along with the what most people mean by $500 Inside.

If you assume the player wants $150 each on the 6 & 8 and $100 each on the 5 & 9 the shot taker will wait for the roll and then say they didn't want what you set up.

If the 5 rolls the shot taker will claim what they really wanted was a $5 9, $30 each on the 6 & 8 and $435 on the 5. Of course. That way they make $609. If the 6 rolls the shot taker will claim they really wanted $10 each on the 5 & 9, a $30 8 and a $450 6. Then they make $525.

In either case the shot taker stands to at least double their money because the dealer opened themselves up to a shot by booking an improper bet.

A proper bet in a series of Place Bets, i.e. Across, Inside or Outside, are made in an equal number of units on every number, not an equal dollar amount nor a variety of dollar amounts which, individually, are proper bets. Equal units on every number and equal units only comprise a proper series of Place Bets.

click on image to enlarge

The bet the non-shot-taker means by "$500 Inside" should be booked as, "$500 action Inside. One-fifty each on the 6 & 8, hundred each on the 5 & 9."

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